2007年5月15日 星期二



poor role models on tonights episode antm. disapointment hurts my soul.

Jael and I just finished watching Top Model this evening and were upset and appaled by the girls behavior toward Natasha. They are supposed to be role models for yound women around the worls, and they gang up on a girl who just wants to be friends with them. Especially after Renee shared her story of abuse and spoke of her and her sisters pulling together and standing tall and growing together. Those girls left in that house are like sisters, they only have eachother now, and alienating someone in the manner they did us just down right disgraceful. Renee's instigating of this is sick, and poor judgement. Her overcoming her abuse should be empowering and she should be setting an example to the young women in this ocuntry and teaching them about supporting eachother. They should be protecting eachother "from the evil duck of the universe" in the words of jael and not hurting eachother. I know how hurt people, hurt, but renee needs to learn this behavior is wrong, and I hope that the young ladies in this country can learn from her mistakes, and not follow her example.


Jael和我今晚剛看完ANTM,並因為女生們對Natasha的行為感到心煩與震驚。她們被認為是世界上年輕女性的Model模範,她們卻結夥針對一個想跟她們當朋友的女生。特別是Renee說了她那醜陋的故事,提及她與她姊妹一起彼此拉拔長大並茁壯。已離開屋子的女生彼此都像好姊妹,她們現在只有彼此,並用卑劣的方式離間其中的某人。Renee的煽動真是病態,欠缺判斷力。Renee克服她的陋習應該會有激勵作用,並且是這個國家女性的榜樣,可教別人如何相互扶持,套句Jael的話,免於the evil duck of the universe(不知道是什麼:x)