2007年7月6日 星期五

ANTM Cycle 10 選角開始!!

7/14 10AM to 4PM
CW47 is hosting an open casting call for America's Next Top Model Cycle 10. Presented by Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology and Hair Design, this open call will be held at Columbia Place's Center Court on Saturday, July 14 starting at 10am and lasting until approximately 4pm. This casting call is open to females ages 18 to 27 who are at least 5'7" tall. Applications for the America's Next Top Model Casting Call are available at Kenneth Shuler locations in Columbia (Garners Ferry and St. Andrews Road), Spartanburg and Augusta. For more information, visit CW47's website at www.cw47columbia.com or call the station at 803-714-2347

